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Number generator

The number generator can be used to generate numbers for various work processes that were previously defined in the administration area Number generators.


However, the number generator only appears in the main menu if it can be used. This means that the number generator has been configured accordingly and the user has the application authorization. This procedure is comparable with the use offile storage.

The Number generator overview page shows the different statuses of the number generators created, e.g.:

  1. NG-COMPLEX: This number generator has already expired. This means that no more numbers can be generated. This is indicated by the red warning icon and the deactivated + symbols.
  2. NG-SIMPLE: This number generator is active.
  3. NG-WARN: Number generator at warning level. The yellow warning symbol indicates to the user that this number generator is about to expire and that the maximum number of numbers that can be generated will soon be reached.

Figure: Overview of the number generators

A number generator can be used to generate both individual numbers and entire blocks of numbers. A click on the + icon, will take you to the corresponding bottom/back of page.

Generate a single number

On the page where you can generate numbers, the name of the selected number generator will display at the top. A new number can be generated using the Generate number button. Depending on the configuration of the generator, a comment must be entered as the reason.

Figure: Generate number

If the number was generated successfully, a message "Success! Number successfully generated." is displayed.

You can copy the number to the clipboard using the Copy to clipboard button.

Figure: Generate number successfully

Generate WARN numbers

Numbers can be drawn to warning level on the page. Depending on the configuration of the generator, an explanation must be entered as a comment. A new number can be generated using the Generate number button.

Figure: Generate NG_WARN number

If the number was generated successfully, a message "Success! Number successfully generated." is displayed as well as "Warning! Maximum amount of numbers nearly reached. Numbers left: xx."

You can copy the number to the clipboard using the Copy to clipboard button.

Figure: Output of the generated WARN number

Generate multiple numbers

You must first specify the desired block size on the page for generating multiple numbers.

This may also require a comment.

Figure: Generate multiple numbers

The generated numbers do not display; they must be sent as an email. To do so, enter a valid e-mail and click send

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