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Number generators

Configuration area of the number generators.

Figure: Number generator configuration area

The "Back to previous page", "Update overview", and "Create new number generator configuration" icons are located at the top.

Number generators that have already been created are shown in a table.

Figure: Overview number generator

The columns are divided into

  • Name
  • Description of the number generator (optional)
  • Display of the number generator configuration (circle symbol)
  • Changes to the number generator configuration (edit icon)
  • Delete this number generator configuration (recycle bin icon)

When creating a new number generator, the following parameters can be configured and saved:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Start value
  • Step size
  • Warning level
  • End value
  • Comment
  • Format parameter
  • Masking parameter
  • Access GUI
  • Block size

Figure: Configure number generator

Created number generators can be displayed in detail (circle symbol) or edited in another step (edit symbol). As can be seen, for example, on the number generator 'NG-SIMPEL' in the two following illustrations:

Figure: Display number generator 'NG-SIMPLE'

Figure: Change number generator 'NG-SIMPLE'

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