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Basic software installation


The installation procedure is based on ant scripts and uses standard Windchill mechanisms and tools.

The installation routine is executed referencing a specific configuration, which is provided by INNOFACE.

In this case, the configuration name dev is used: ant -Dconf=dev deploy

The configurations available and their names can be found in the IFConneX project documentation. After the installation has been completed successfully, a BUILD SUCCESSFUL should appear in most cases.

After the installation on UNIX systems, the reading permissions of the ${WT_HOME}/codebase/ file must be checked


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Navigate to the unzipped installation directory (example: innoface-wc-project-999999-R11.0-M030-1.0) and execute the following command:

Windchill Shell
ant -Dconf=<config> deploy 

Instead of <config> insert the name of the folder that was stored for the configuration.

Detailed execution

  1. Change to the unpacked installation directory that was created in the chapter"Preparations first-time Installation".

  2. Here, execute the above-mentioned Ant commands.

The <config> parameter usually varies depending on the system. This information is provided by INNOFACE.

After the deployment has been completed, a new entry is created in $WT_HOME/declarations.xconf, which refers to a specific configuration directory.


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Navigate to the unzipped installation directory (example: innoface-wc-project-999999-R11.0-M030-1.0) and execute the following command:

Windchill Shell
ant -Dconf=<config> deploy  

Instead of <config> insert the name of the folder that was stored for the configuration.

Detailed execution

  1. Change to the unpacked installation directory that was created in the chapter"Preparations first-time Installation".

  2. Here, execute the above-mentioned Ant commands.

The <config> parameter usually varies depending on the system. This information is provided by INNOFACE.

After the deployment has been completed, a new entry is created in %WT_HOME%\declarations.xconf, which refers to a specific configuration directory.

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