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Update with compatible IFConneX versions


  • Make sure that the wtSafeArea is correct and up-to-date or rename it to wtSafeArea_old.

The next time IFConneX is deployed, original Windchill files that are modified or overwritten by the deployment are copied to wtSafeArea/ptcOrig/ if they do not already exist. For example, if a file, e.g. web.xml, has already been customized in Windchill® but is not yet available in ptcOrig, it will be copied there during a new deployment.

It is therefore not recommended to rename the wtSafeArea.

  • Save further adjustments to your Windchill® system that need to be imported back into the system after the update.

Perform Windchill® update

  1. Update your Windchill® system according to the instructions from PTC®.

  2. Carry out the following steps for IFConneX:

    1. Check that %WT_HOME%/apacheConf (Windows) or $WT_HOME/apacheConf (Linux) is available and up-to-date. The settings in this directory are transferred to the Apache directory during the execution of setup_apache_context.

    2. Stop Windchill® and the Apache server

    3. Start the Windchill® shell as administrator in the unpacked deploy directory and execute the following commands:

      1. ant -Dconf=<The config> deploy

      2. ant setup_apache_context

      3. ant std_register_scripts

    4. Clear the Tomcat cache

    5. Start Windchill® and Apache server

  3. Optional: For process steps that must be carried out after installation, such as the use of the Reassign Life Cycle Utility or the Mass Loading of objects, deactivate IFConneX in the target system.
    Note: To deactivate, navigate to Location → Utilities→ Settings management → INNOFACE → IFConneX → Main settings and set Integration active to No.

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