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VAULT Daemon

Vault daemons are required for the use of vaults . For details, see Vault concept.

A newly created VAULT daemon has a set of properties:

Name of the propertyRequiredDefault valueExample valueDescription
DEFAULTName of the associated vault
initial.cleanup.delay(error)15at least 2Time in minutes that is waited after starting the vault daemon until files are cleaned up for the first time.
cleanup.delay(error)180at least 20Time in minutes that is waited between two cleanup processes.
cleanup.item.count(error)1000at least 10Number of files that are deleted per cleanup run.

There are also properties that are used for the configuration of an https vault:

Name of the propertyRequiredDefault valueExample valueDescription
ece.ssl.keystore.path(error)Value of, if set./<Path>/ece_keystore.jksAbsolute path of the keystore
ece.ssl.keystore.pass(error)Value of, if set.<Password>Keystore password
ece.ssl.keymanager.pass(error)-<Password>Key manager password
ece.ssl.truststore.path(error)Value of, if set./<Path>/ece_keystore.jksAbsolute path of the trust stored
ece.ssl.truststore.pass(error)Value of, if set.<Password>Truststore password

Details on installing a vault daemon can be found here: /wiki/spaces/DOCREV2/pages/4655359

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