Other settings
Figure: Editable system settings, Other settings
- Area51 visible: Show area51 in the menu
Number of retry attempts in case of connection problems: Maximum number of retry attempts in case of connection problems.
Wait time in seconds after a connection problem: Wait time in seconds for the call to be repeated after a connection problem.
- List of known connection issues: Exceptions that are assumed to produce a connection problem.
- Maximum number of jobs for a search: Max. Job Search limit. Must not exceed the 'Max_parameters' setting for HTTP listener in standalone(-full).xml!
- Maximum number of jobs displayed: Maximum number of jobs displayed in the overview (New, In process, Completed)
- Job fails with life cycle timeout: If set to Yes, the scheduler marks jobs as failed (FAIL) when the daemon being edited runs into a Timeout.
- File extensions for search: List of all possible file extensions for the file search (e.g. pdf, txt)
- Corrupted mails storage time: Storage time of the corrupted mails in days.
- Sent mails storage time: Storage time of the successfully sent mails in days.
- Failed mails storage time: Storage time in days for failed mails.
Figure: Base setting for "Area51 visible” editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Number of retries when connection exceptions occur" editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Waiting time in seconds after a connection problem” editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "List of known connection exceptions” editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Maximum number for jobs search" editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Maximum number of jobs” editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Job fails during life cycle timeout” editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "File extensions for search" editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Corrupted mails storage time" editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Sent mails storage time" editing pop-up
Figure: Base setting for "Failed mails storage time" editing pop-up