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Data extension

Data extension repositories

Data extension repository configuration.

Figure: Entry level for data extension

The icons "Back to previous page", "Update overview" and "Create new repository” are at the top of the screen. 

Existing repositories are shown in a table.

The columns are divided into

  • Name
  • Description (optional)
  • Display repository configuration (Circle icon)
  • Edit Repository (Edit icon)
  • Delete Repository (Recycle bin)
  • Inspect repository objects (Stethoscope icon)

Figure: Data extension repositories overview

Use the “+” icon to create a new repository. It opens a window, where the name and description of the repository can be specified.

Figure: Create a new Repository

Clicking the "Inspect repository objects" icon (stethoscope icon) opens the table below. It contains information on:

  • Name
  • ID
  • Attributes 
  • Creation date
  • Revision date

of the selected repository. For example, the repository DAEMON_VERSIONS.

Figure: File extension objects for repository

Use the Edit icon to access and modify an existing repository, see the following figure.

Figure: Show repository

The Circle icon allows the user to display the name and description of the repository, see the following figure.

Figure: Modify repository

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