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FQDN information

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) designates the complete and unique address of a resource in the network. It is a combination of the host name and the domain and is used to localize specific hosts in the network and call them up using name resolution.

The FQDNs of your systems are required for issuing IFConneX licenses.

Required FQDN information

Windchill system

The FQDNs of the Windchill method servers (Foreground and Background) are required to issue the IFConneX licenses.

The corresponding information can be viewed for each method server as follows:

  • In the <Windchill>/codebase/ file, the value behind wt.server.codebase=.

Optionally, the following values of the system FQDNs can be useful:


  • Host name: first value of the command ipconfig /all in the command line

  • Primary DNS suffix: second value of the command ipconfig /all in the command line


  • Value of the command hostname -f in the command line

If a ReleaseEngine cockpit is in use, the FQDN information of the cockpit is also required. For more information, see

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