Document management
Document actions
Authorization object | Field | ACTVT |
C_DRAD_OBJ | DOKOB STATUS DOKAR | 01 Create 02 Change 03 Display |
C_DRAW_TCS | DOKAR DOKST | 01 Create 02 Change 03 Display |
C_DRAW_TCD | DOKAR | 01 Create 02 Change 03 Display |
Access to function modules for dialogs
Authorization object | RFC_TYPE | RFC_NAME | ACTVT |
S_RFC | FUGR | CADR | 16 |
Authorization object | TCD | ACTVT |
S_TCODE | CV01N CV02N CV03N CV04N | 16 |
Authorization to transfer visualization files (SAP-Basis release 700 and higher)
Authorization object | RFC_TYPE | RFCDEST | ACTVT |
S_RFC_ADM | T | SAPFTP | 03 |
S_RFC_ADM | T | SAPHTTP | 03 |
This authorization is required only if files are transferred with the following function modules:CVAPI_DOC_CHANGE
The use of these function modules depends on the scope of the interface functions.