Apache configuration
Modifications are made to the Apache configuration. The following files will be modified:
To propagate the settings in the above files, the PTC Ant script "applyApacheWebAppConfig.xml
" is executed:
During the execution, the following files, among others, are regenerated:
The following file is added:
The changes which were manually made to the above-stated files (and NOT to the corresponding source files) will be overwritten.
Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context
The Apache home directory is by default $WT_HOME/../HTTPServer/
If the Apache directory differs from the Windchill default, it has to be specified as well!
Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context -Dapachedir=<Apache-home directory>
After the setup, the Apache web service must be restarted.
Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context
The Apache home directory is by default %WT_HOME%\..\HTTPServer\
If the Apache directory differs from the Windchill default, it has to be specified as well!
Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context -Dapachedir=<Apache-home directory>
After the setup, the Apache web service must be restarted.
Detailed execution
Detailed execution
In the
file, the following entries are added to the<resources>
In the
file, the following changes are made:In the IfModule section, the following entry is added:
JkMount /@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/faces/* @@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@
The following line is changed (bold):
ProxyPassMatch ^(/@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/((?i).*\.jsp(.*)|servlet/.*|(.*/)?j_security_check|.*\.jar|gwt(/.*)?/servlet/.*|ptc1/.*|app|app/.*|trustedAuth/.*|protocolAuth/.*|sslClientAuth/.*|wt\.properties|servicecenter/|servicecenter/lib/isomorphic/login/loginSuccessMarker\.html
|faces/.*))$ balancer://@@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@$1 @@nocanon@@
In the
file, the following entries are added to the<resources>
In the
file, the following changes are made:In the IfModule section, the following entry is added:
JkMount /@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/faces/* @@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@
The following line is changed (bold):
ProxyPassMatch ^(/@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/((?i).*\.jsp(.*)|servlet/.*|(.*/)?j_security_check|.*\.jar|gwt(/.*)?/servlet/.*|ptc1/.*|app|app/.*|trustedAuth/.*|protocolAuth/.*|sslClientAuth/.*|wt\.properties|servicecenter/|servicecenter/lib/isomorphic/login/loginSuccessMarker\.html
|faces/.*))$ balancer://@@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@$1 @@nocanon@@
Known issues:
If the command ant setup_apache_context
fails, with an error message like: "/opt/ptc/Windchill_12.0/Windchill/HTTPServer does not exist.", the -Dapachedir parameter is probably set incorrectly.
This should refer to the Apache root directory.
If the command ant setup_apache_context
fails, with an error message like: "C:\PTC\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\HTTPServer does not exist.", the -Dapachedir parameter is probably set incorrectly.
This should refer to the Apache root directory.