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Apache configuration


Modifications are made to the Apache configuration. The following files will be modified:

  • $WT_HOME/apacheConf/config/authResAdditions.xml

  • <APACHE_HOME>/conf/templates/webapp/webAppAJPConf.template

To propagate the settings in the above files, the PTC Ant script "applyApacheWebAppConfig.xml" is executed:

During the execution, the following files, among others, are regenerated:

  • <APACHE_HOME>/conf/app-Windchill-AuthRes.xml

  • <APACHE_HOME>/conf/app-Windchill-AuthProvider.xml

The following file is added:

  • <APACHE_HOME>/conf/conf.d/90-app-IFConnex-AJP.conf


The changes which were manually made to the above-stated files (and NOT to the corresponding source files) will be overwritten.



Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context

The Apache home directory is by default $WT_HOME/../HTTPServer/

If the Apache directory differs from the Windchill default, it has to be specified as well!

Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context -Dapachedir=<Apache-home directory>


After the setup, the Apache web service must be restarted.

Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context

The Apache home directory is by default %WT_HOME%\..\HTTPServer\

If the Apache directory differs from the Windchill default, it has to be specified as well!

Windchill Shell
ant setup_apache_context -Dapachedir=<Apache-home directory>


After the setup, the Apache web service must be restarted.

Detailed execution

Detailed execution

  • In the $WT_HOME/apacheConf/config/authResAdditions.xml file, the following entries are added to the <resources> section:

    • <resource>faces</resource>

    • <resource>servlet/innoJSBridge</resource>

  • In the <Apache_Home>/conf/templates/webapp/webAppAJPCont.template file, the following changes are made:

    • In the IfModule section, the following entry is added: JkMount /@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/faces/* @@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@

    • The following line is changed (bold): ProxyPassMatch ^(/@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/((?i).*\.jsp(.*)|servlet/.*|(.*/)?j_security_check|.*\.jar|gwt(/.*)?/servlet/.*|ptc1/.*|app|app/.*|trustedAuth/.*|protocolAuth/.*|sslClientAuth/.*|wt\.properties|servicecenter/|servicecenter/lib/isomorphic/login/loginSuccessMarker\.html|faces/.*))$ balancer://@@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@$1 @@nocanon@@

  • In the %WT_HOME%/apacheConf/config/authResAdditions.xml file, the following entries are added to the <resources> section:

    • <resource>faces</resource>

    • <resource>servlet/innoJSBridge</resource>

  • In the <Apache_Home>/conf/templates/webapp/webAppAJPCont.template file, the following changes are made:

    • In the IfModule section, the following entry is added: JkMount /@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/faces/* @@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@

    • The following line is changed (bold): ProxyPassMatch ^(/@@WEB_APP_NAME@@/((?i).*\.jsp(.*)|servlet/.*|(.*/)?j_security_check|.*\.jar|gwt(/.*)?/servlet/.*|ptc1/.*|app|app/.*|trustedAuth/.*|protocolAuth/.*|sslClientAuth/.*|wt\.properties|servicecenter/|servicecenter/lib/isomorphic/login/loginSuccessMarker\.html|faces/.*))$ balancer://@@AJP_WORKER_NAME@@$1 @@nocanon@@

Known issues:


If the command ant setup_apache_context fails, with an error message like: "/opt/ptc/Windchill_12.0/Windchill/HTTPServer does not exist.", the -Dapachedir parameter is probably set incorrectly.
This should refer to the Apache root directory.


If the command ant setup_apache_context fails, with an error message like: "C:\PTC\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\HTTPServer does not exist.", the -Dapachedir parameter is probably set incorrectly.
This should refer to the Apache root directory.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.