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IFConneX Documentation




Welcome to the product documentation of IFConneX. IFConneX for ERP systems The PTC® Windchill® interface connects PTC® Windchill® with an ERP system. It can ...

System requirements

The following topics are covered in this chapter: SAP Microsoft Ports


The following topics are addressed in this chapter: Requirements Installation process Measures when updating PTC® Windchill®

IFConneX licence

A license is required for the functions of the Innoface interface. If required, this must be requested from the Innoface project manager. Certain information...

IFConneX Administration

The administration area of IFConneX contains the necessary tools for a successful administration and monitoring of the IFConneX interface as well as several ...


In the following list, you can find important words and definitions for the product documentation of IFConneX. Term Definition Change master A change manager...

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