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Message classes /IFCNX/ZI

These are the messages of class /IFCNX/ZI:

IDMessage short text
025Block for subsequent setting of the CAD indicator is locked.
026CAD indicator not set: BOM header not found.
027BOM is in status &1 and does not allow any change.
028CAD indicator not set: Item &1/&2/&3 not found.


CAD indicator not set: Only &1 instead of &2 items found in DB.
030CAD indicator not set; error during DB update.
031Error reading BOM &1 plant &2 application &3.
033Function: Reading the DMS long text must be carried out beforehand
034Number of DMS long text line & must be in the range from 1 to &
035& DMS long text lines read
036Function: Reading the Mat-Doc-Obj link must be performed beforehand
037Number of object link & must be in the range from 1 to &
038& object links to material & read
101No language code transferred
102More than & language codes transferred
103Conversion of document number external -> internal failed
104Language-dependent document descriptions determined
106Language-dependent material short texts determined
186No value for material number part 1 or 2 transferred
187Total length of material number parts 1 and 2 (&&) >= &
188No materials beginning with && can be identified
189No materials starting with && and numerical part 3 can be determined
190Total length of material number parts 1, 2 and 3 (&&&) > &
201CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 function: Incorrect call!
202Material & : Data to plant & cannot be determined !
203Problems converting the unit of measure !
204Problem calling CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 function !
205CAD indicator set in all BOM items
206CAD indicator set in the BOM header
218CAD indicator set for selected items in the BOM
300No header data to material & transferred.
301No material number exists in header data, new number
is created
302No reference material number passed. Operation was cancelled.
303No factory data found for material & in the MARC table.
304No stock location data found for material & in MARD table
305No stock number for reference material & available
306The material & has no view of scheduling for the plant &
307The material & has no view of Warehouse for the plant &
308The material & has no view of QM for the plant &
309The material & has no view of Purchasing for the plant &
310The material & has no view of Sales department for the plant &
311The material & has no view of Forecasts for the plant &
312The material & has no view of Work preparation for the plant &
313The material & has no view of Production resources for the plant &
314The material & has no view of Inventory control for the plant &
315No view of MRP for plant & and storage location & available
316The material & has no view of Accounting for BWKEY &
317The material & has no view of Cost calculations for BWKEY &
318The material & has no view of Sales department for VKORG & und VTWEG &
319There are no views for the material & available
320MRP view was selected but no factory data was transferred
321Storage view was selected but no factory data was transferred
322Workschedule view was selected but no factory data was transferred
323StorageLocationData cannot be transferred initially
830Evaluation period partially (from/to) not set !
831Evaluation period in some cases (from/to) in the future !
832There is no status change in documents during the evaluation period !
833File & : & status changes exist for the document
834Cannot open file &
835Log. File name & not known in SAP R/3 (Customizing !)
836No documents with status changes present during the evaluation period !
837Document type & not present in table TDWA !
840Plant & not present in table T001W !
841No changed materials present during the evaluation period !
842No status change for materials present during the evaluation period !
843File & : & a status changes for materials exist
844Evaluation period : FROM (&) greater than TO (&) !
900Z_IF_ECR_STATUS_HANDLER finished successfully

Self-explanatory messages are marked with the (•) character.

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