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Authorizations by user

The following table lists the authorizations to be extended for users who are to work with the interface.The listed authorizations include only those necessary for the activities of the interface. Customer specific adjustments are not considered.

UserBackground userInnoface user

General authorization


Document info record access to function modules


Document info record create, modify, display document actions

According to the user's workstation description


Document info record access to function modules for dialogs

According to the user's workstation description

Document info record access to transactions CV01N, CV02N, CV03N, CV04N

According to the user's workstation description


Authorization for the transfer of visualization files

According to the user's workstation description(tick)(tick)

Material master management access to function modules


Material master management create, modify, display material actions

According to the user's workstation description


Material master management access to function modules for dialogs

According to the user's workstation description


Material master management access to transactions MM01, MM02, MM03

According to the user's workstation description


Change master access to function modules


Change master create, modify, display change actions

According to the user's workstation description


Change master Access to transactions CC01, CC02, CC03

According to the user's workstation description


Bills of material access to function modules


Bills of material access to transactions CS01, CS02, CS03

According to the user's workstation description


Bills of document access to function modules


Bills of document access to transactions CV11, CV12, CV13

According to the user's workstation description


Classification / assignment access to function modules


Classification / assignment access to transactions CL01, CL02, CL03, CL04

According to the user's workstation description


System logging


Support Innoface user



The user is the person who works with the interface, i.e. usually this is a constructor.

Background user

For example, the background user is used to create visualization data (RE) or to communicate from SAP to PDMLink (SIS).

User for Innoface

The Innoface user is used to set up the interface settings in SAP.

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