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Job information

  • Priority: Shows the processing priority for the job.
    • Priority 1 = 'High',
    • Priority 10 = 'Low',
    • Priority 5 = 'Medium'
  • Weighting: Job weighting can be used to influence which daemon a job is to run on - if multiple daemons are configured for the cluster.
    A daemon can be assigned the weighting class A, B, or C.
    • A class ‘A’ daemon can only run jobs with a weighting of ‘A’.
    • A daemon of class 'B' can process jobs with an ‘A’ or ‘B’ weighting.
    • A class 'C' daemon can execute all weighting classes.
      For example, weighting can help avoid that a daemon with reduced resources is assigned to process large CAD models. Thus, job weighting ensures that ‘heavyweight’ (long running) jobs run only on certain daemons (C) and that other daemons (A/B) are readily available for ‘lightweight’ jobs. Job weighting is set when it is created.
  • Not until: the time from which the job can be processed. This can be useful, for example, if at job setup it is already known that processing will take a long time; then the processing should be moved to the evening/night hours (no delays for processing of other jobs)
  • Created on: Date the job was created
  • Created by: Name of the job creator (RE user).
  • Revised: Revision date (for example: status change) of a job. For example, if a job status changes to WORK, the ‘Changed on’ date will also change
  • Changed by: RE user who modified the job.
  • Runs: Number of restarts of a job

Figure: Job information

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