Base/Key information
- Job number: Unique, consecutively assigned job numbers (database ID).
- Cluster: Cluster of the job
- Daemon: If the job has been processed, the daemon that executed the processing is displayed here
- Ext. User: Name of the job creator (e.g. user in Windchill)
- Processing: 3 key values determine a job’s processing method. These keys are Source, Action, Destination. The Source specifies the system where the job was created (e.g. PDMLink). The Action describes the main task of the jobs (e.g. TIFF). The Destination specifies the system to which the results/data or files are to be written.
- License features
- Object description: Description of the object to be processed, e.g. the drawing name / number of a Creo drawing in PDMLink.
- Job description: Textual description of the job, e.g.: “JT creation of the Creo board abc.asm"
Figure: Base/Key information