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CRON defines so-called CRON-Jobs.

CRON-Jobs are executed once or periodically at defined times.

Generally, this function is used e.g. to fill/update subject catalogs or to execute regular connection tests.

The creation of a CRON-Job is very simple. Merely a few statements have to be inserted in the CRON-Template.


Selection box for the job type. The diverse job types are described below.

As part of a project, customer specific templates can be provided.

ExpressionThe execution times are defined by the so-called expression. See CRON Expression for further information.

The number of executions can be limited in this field. This information is optional. For a test-run, e.g. "1" can be inserted here while the expression "* * * * *" is specified.


This parameter defines a workflow which is to be executed in case of an error. The general conditions and assumptions can be found in chapter CRON Error - Workflow.

Report Start/Stop

If this option is set, the starts and stops of a CRON-Job are recorded in the user report (IFConneX → Report).

Report FailureDefines whether errors are recorded in the user report (IFConneX → Report).
ArgumentsThe number and the interpretation of these arguments depend on the chosen template.

The process is administered and controlled by a Windchill queue. CRON-Jobs can be deleted in the queue management SiteUtilitiesQueue Management.

The default name of the queue is "CRON".

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