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The IFConneX interface for Navision systems works with exchange tables. These exchange tables are located in the same database instance as the navision system which is to be integrated. The entire information exchange takes place via these exchange tables.

End-to-End Communication:

The IFConneX NAV layer generalizes the communication for Windchill with the Navision system. Depending on the specification of the IFConneX interface, the NAV layer is called either via the standard interface commands or via project specific workflow robots.

Exchange table:

The windchill system populates one or more designated tables via the NAV layer, e.g. in the case of creating an item in Navision. Afterwards, a synchronous SOAP service is called in Navision which initiates the process.

Request using the example of creating an item:

The Navision application reads the data and processes it. During the processing, the data is verified and written in the live tables of Navision via the Navision API. Therefore, it can be ensured that all intern mechanisms (e.g. trigger) are still called or rather triggered. The result of the processing (Success, error, etc.) is written back into the exchange table (and evaluated by the IFConneX NAV layer).

The mapping between the exchange- and live table takes place by customer specific Navision code.

Response using the example of creating an item:

The SOAP service receives a response from the Navision application. Where appropriate, errors (technical kind or reported by the application) are written back as well. The response from Navision has to take place in a defined time period. In case this time frame is exceeded, IFConneX judges the specified data transfer as failed.

IFConneX executes further processing depending on the result.

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