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With the command Export, certain configurations of the IFConneX interface can be exported. These are settings which are stored in the Windchill preference management.

Some of the settings are not displayed and cannot be administered here. They have an own page in the IFConneX → Administration.

The choice of the configuration takes places by selecting one or more categories. By default, all are selected.

Settings, which are not bold, are not used in current IFConneX versions. However, they might be needed by project specific functionalities.

CategoryWhich settings are affected
MainPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Main settings

Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Revise-Adapter

These settings are in the Key-Value-Store by now and are therefore not needed in current versions of IFConneX any more. It may be, that project specific modifications need these settings nevertheless.


Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → SaveAs-Adapter

These settings are in the Key-Value-Store by now and are therefore not needed in current versions of IFConneX any more. It may be, that project specific modifications need these settings nevertheless.

Check In

Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → CheckIn-Adapter

These settings are in the Key-Value-Store by now and are therefore not needed in current versions of IFConneX any more. It may be, that project specific modifications need these settings nevertheless.

Synchronization settings

Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Synchronisation-Flags

These settings are in the Key-Value-Store by now and are therefore not needed in current versions of IFConneX any more. It may be, that project specific modifications need these settings nevertheless.

Task-ExecutionPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Task-Execution
Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Queue-Preferences

Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Administration → MAT, DIS, MAT+DIS

Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Command-Enabling

Base configurationsPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Base configurations
BOM settingsPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → BOM settings
ERP-Lifecycle settingsPreference management in IFConneX → Administration → LC-ERP
Lifecycle Mapping
Preference management in IFConneX → Administration → LC_01, LC_02, ...
Command-PreferencesPreference management in IFConneX → Administration → Command-Preferences
Change-Management settings
Preference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Change-Management settings

Settings in IFConneX → Administration → <System Type> Material BO Config and <System Type> Document BO Config

For SAP and newer systems, these settings are in the Key-Value-Store by now.

IBA-Null-InterpretationPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → IBA Null-Value Configuration
MAT BO EinstellungenPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Material BO Configuration
DIS BO EinstellungenPreference management in the category INNOFACE → IFConneX → Document BO Configuration
Command-EnablingSettings in IFConneX → Administration → Command-Enabling
Base configurationsSettings in IFConneX → Administration → Base configurations
Project settingsProject specific settings in the Windchill Preference management, if available. They are usually located in the category INNOFACE → <Project specific name>

The Export generates and downloads an XML file which contains the configuration data. This step may take some time, therefore, an approve dialog is displayed.

The exported data can be imported again in the same or in a different Windchill system, in which an IFConneX interface is installed.

The Import function in IFConneX can be used for that.

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