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Incompletely maintained material views

Using the BAPI methods StandardMaterial.SaveData or StandardMaterial.SaveReplica of the BUS1001006 business object, a material with sales data or warehouse management data is to be created or modified. The material may have been created or changed without errors, but the changes or creation of the sales data or the warehouse management data are missing partially or entirely.

Plants in the customizing for the field selection at plant level (transaction OMSA) do not have the maintenance status 'S (warehouse management data) or V (sales data).

The following error message is displayed: '

E MG 046 The field <Plant> has been transferred inconsistently or is empty


No maintenance status (S or V) for the plants:

  • L - Warehouse view
  • V - Sales view


Please check table T130W and complete the missing maintenance status via transaction OMSA.

SAP - Note → 1772928

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