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SAP notes dependent on SAP version

When updating to certain SAP versions, it is necessary to check that dedicated SAP notes are available in the system; otherwise the correct function of the interface cannot be fully guaranteed.

Required notes dependent on SAP release

NoteDescriptionAffected functionsfrom release
1808106Update 2 to Safety Notice 1692988Kpro storage fileECC 6.0 with EHP 6
1899457Handling dynamic FTP destinations in the Knowledge ProviderKpro storage fileECC 6.0 with EHP 6
1833065Using DMS-BAPI or function module with external or dynamic RFCDestinationsKpro storage fileECC 6.0 with EHP 6
1850230GW: Registration of tp <program ID> not allowedKPro / SIS storage fileECC 6.0 with EHP 7 /
Netweaver 7.0x
-Users whose logon is used to store RPE/RE visualization data in the KPro also require the authorization object S_RFC_ADMKpro storage fileModule SAP_BASIS 7.0
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