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Required ports for Windchill with Innoface interface and use of the release engine

Example: List of ports for the communication between the used components

The actual ports may differ depending on the customer (network).

Required ports for Windchill with IFConneX and use of the Release Engine 2.0 

Source serverTarget serverTarget server
Daemon REWindchill application server80Communication Daemon RE - Windchill application server (http://)TCP
Daemon REWindchill application server443Encrypted communication Daemon RE - Windchill application server (https://)TCP
Daemon RESAP application server33xxGUI logon (xx is the AP client's system number, port depends on configuration)TCP
Daemon RESAP content server1090Transfer visualization data Daemon - SAP content serverTCP
Daemon SISSAP Gateway33xxGUI logon (xx is the AP client's system number, port depends on configuration)TCP
Wildfly of the Release EngineMySQL or MariaDB of the Release Engine3306Communication Daemon - WildflyTCP
Daemon MAILCustomer's POP3 relay110Communication Daemon - POP3 relayTCP
Daemon MAILCustomer's SMTP gateway25Communication Daemon - SMTP gatewayTCP
ClientWildfly of the Release Engine8080, 80, 443Communication webbrowser - Wildfly/RE-CockpitTCP

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